Help GROW Nebraska® Make An Impact On Nebraska Small Businesses This Year

Do you want to make an impact on Nebraska Small Businesses this year? GROW Nebraska’s® mission as a non-profit educational organization is to help small business owners and entrepreneurs get the resources they need to live in ‘Anywhere, NE’ and make a sustainable living. Our vision and mission are to create viable economic development through business training, technical assistance, promotion, and access to markets.

Here are four ways we use our donations:

· We provide scholarships, training, and technical business assistance to local entrepreneurs.

· Generate new money for local businesses —from the Panhandle to the Metro.

· Connect Nebraska businesses to the global marketplace.

· Women, veterans, and minority business owners have access to capital to innovate with.

GROW Nebraska® has been able to impact 460+ small businesses through our generous donors and partners. We want to continue to provide even more opportunities to help grow our Nebraska entrepreneur ecosystem. If you would like to know more about giving, please visit

Previous Hy-Vee to Host OpportUNITY Inclusive Business Summit to Showcase Local Minority and Women Owned Businesses in Omaha

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421 W Talmadge Street Suite #1
Kearney, NE 68845

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GROW Nebraska® is a nonprofit 501c3 providing training and education to Nebraska businesses.
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